A deadly car accident leaves Eric, an autistic eight-year-old, to be raised by his only grandmother. Clarice, a widow in her sixties, is devastated by the loss of her daughter and terrified at the prospect of raising her grandson on her own. When she comes across unopened letters from Eric's estranged father, she makes a decision to contact him. Matthew, a Marine serving in war-torn Afghanistan, is excited to at last meet his son—but suffering from PTSD, he appears no more equipped to raise Eric than Clarice.
In Many a Sudden Change, a child's unusual way of being and unique view of life force Clarice and Matthew to confront their losses and past mistakes...and to make a decision that will forever change all of their lives.
Awards: 2016 SDSU Writer's Conference: Conference Choice Award, twice. Read interview here.
Co-Screen Writer, as Tricia Hopper
Shipped off to her American dad's ranch for the summer, a teen and her horse Lucky Lass compete for a spot at the National Youth Rodeo.
Available to stream online:
Amazon, Netflix, and UP